Heartland Theatre's 10-Minute Play Festival, this year on the theme "Inns & Outs," where all the plays are set in a hotel lobby, opens Thursday, June 10th. That first Thursday is "Pay What You Can" night, with all other performances ranging from $6-12, depending on day of the week and whether you're a senior, a student or just a general member of the public. Friday and Saturday night tickets are $12 for everyone. Go here for more information on tickets and ticket prices.
This year's line-up includes playwrights from coast (New York and Connecticut) to coast (California and Washington) as well as central Illinois (Bloomington, Clinton and Mackinaw are represented). On Sunday, June 13th, the 2 p.m. matinee performance will conclude with a talk-back from some of the people who work on the 10-Minute Play committee, including Todd Wineburner, Holly Rocke and me. All three of us have read and discussed every play submitted. This year, Holly is directing play called "If Only," while Todd is performing in that one. So the three of us can speak to what we're looking for and what we find in plays that are entered, how the process works, and what it's like to see a play on the page and then try to bring it to life on the stage.
If you have questions or comments about Heartland's 10-Minute Playfest, you'll want to attend that Sunday performance and stick around for the talk-back afterwards.
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