Friday, June 22, 2012

Feeling Chatty? Join Heartland Theatre for a 10-Minute Play Post-Show Discussion 6-24

We are now into the third week of performances of Heartland Theatre's annual 10-Minute Play Festival, this year with the theme "Playing Games." And as we round that third-week corner and head into the last week, Heartland is offering a post-show discussion with the 10-Minute Play Committee (which includes me) after the matinee this Sunday.

Fans of the 10-Minute Play Festival are often curious as to what the judges look for in a successful play, what the process is like in general, and what kinds of submissions the judges see. Holly Rocke, Ron Emmons, Todd Wineburner and I will be tackling those topics and addressing questions at approximately 3:50 pm on June 24th, as soon as the afternoon's performance concludes and people have time to take a short break.

If you've seen the plays and have questions, feel free to come back and join the discussion. If you haven't seen the plays, this may the perfect chance. And, yes, you, too, can pose questions or offer your opinion.

And here is a sneak peek and a piece of trivia from this year's entries... Playwrights chose all kinds of games to write plays about for this year's Festival. Which among the following games do you think was the most popular among the playwrights who sent us their plays? Your choices are: Angry Birds, Bingo, Chess, Poker, Scrabble, Twister or Yahtzee.

I can also tell you that we got lots of plays on four of those choices and not even one play about two of them. But you will have to come to the panel discussion on Sunday to find out which is which!

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